We have a variety of programs & areas of ministry
Interested in getting involved? Contact Katy Bass.
Sunday School: Making a Difference for Eternity!
All gifts and talents are needed. If you care about kids, we can find a spot for you!
Faith Stepping Stones is a family ministry system pulling parents into the role of primary faith mentors for their own children every night in every home.
Confirmation for Grades 6-8
Middle School Youth Group
High School Youth Group
Youth Ministry
Middle & High School (Grades 6 – 12)
Middle School Youth Nights
It is a great time of fellowship and community building between the middle school students in grades 6th – 8th. We play games, enjoy snacks, build community, and learn more about God together! Contact Lori Schwan for meeting dates.
High School Revive
Calling all High School students! Come out to Revive every Wednesday from 6-8 PM in the Youth Room in the gym building! Revive is a great chance to connect in the middle of the week with other High Schoolers, an opportunity to hangout, have fun, and grow deeper in your faith! Contact Lori Schwan for more information.
Youth Sponsorship
We praise God for your generosity in supporting the high school youth ministry through the sponsorship program. If you would like to donate, you can still do so. Questions can be directed to Lori Schwan at St. Michael. Thank you for lifting them all in prayer.